What you need to know about Asbestos Removal Laws in Colorado
You may be subject to State and Federal Regulations requiring an inspection for asbestos. Residential and Commercial Buildings should have an inspection before commencing work.
It is Dangerous and Illegal to Improperly Disturb asbestos-containing materials!
Asbestos can be found in these and many common building materials. For example:
- Ceiling textures
- Vinyl floor
- Coverings and mastic
- Boiler and pipe insulation
- heating and cooling duct insulation
- ceiling tile
- roofing products
- clapboard shingles, etc.
These materials may be regulated.
Here is a quick guide for ALL renovation projects. (Taken from the Colorado Department of Health and Environment)
- Buildings of any age may contain ACM; even those newly built may have ACM.
- Inspection: If the structures/components to be disturbed exceed the trigger levels, they must be inspected for asbestos. Call us now (303) 884-6680
- If the amount of ACM to be disturbed exceeds the following trigger levels, then Asbestos 1201 Removal LLC can help remove the material.
Single-Family Residential Dwellings (“SFRD”) – the trigger levels are: 50 linear feet on pipes; 32 square feet on other surfaces; or the volume equivalent of a 55-gallon drum.
Public and Commercial Buildings (other than SFRDs) – the trigger levels are: 260 linear feet on pipes; 160 square feet on other surfaces; or the volume equivalent of a 55-gallon drum.
- Our company can remove ACM that is regulated or may become regulated before it is disturbed by renovation or demolition activities. Review our services here
- A written application to CDPHE for a notice/permit may be required, along with payment of a fee and a ten (10) working-day notification period.
Quick guide for ALL Demolition Projects:
- Inspection: the building or area of the building to be demolished must be inspected for asbestos.
- Removal is required if the amount of asbestos containing material that is friable or will become friable during demolition exceeds the trigger levels. Questions? We can help. Contact us, click kere
- Demolition Notification Application Form must be submitted to the CDPHE, even if no asbestos was found during the inspection. A payment must be submitted and a ten (10) working-day notification period that is required before the demolition can commence.
More information: https://www.colorado.gov/pacific/cdphe/categories/services-and-information/environment/asbestos